Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
Lost Girl delivers an exposition dump on succubi as a very interesting woman – hinted at during my interview with the stars earlier this week – turns up in Bo’s (Anna Silk) life. Plus: Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) and Trick (Rick Howland) bond over thieving.
Let’s bitch it out…
Case of the week: Bo takes the case of Allison (Sabrina Campbell), a woman who kills herself following a one night stand. It turns out that what appears to be a simple suicide is actually the work of a Fae (Albaster) who feeds off sexual shame. It takes a few false starts before Bo IDs the right culprit as speed dating promoter, Bertram (Arnold Pinnock), but in truth, the case is really just an excuse to explore far more interesting matters.
The big news of the night is the appearance of another succubus, Saskia (Inga Cadranel). In an episode reminiscent of “Bad Girls” – the Buffy episode in which the Buffster explores her dark side with bad girl Slayer, Faye – Bo finally meets someone who understands her and has answers to questions she’s had for years. However, in the process of hanging out with Saskia, she ostracizes Kenzi and eventually learns that Saskia is Dark Fae for a reason: the lady doesn’t have a lot of morals, even if she looks killer in a skirt and her hair is always perfect. The breaking point comes when Saskia and Bo tie Bertram up after he attacks Bo in her apartment and Saskia nearly murders him “as an execution.” A quick call to Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) saves the killer, but Saskia and Bo part on less than great terms, though the door remains open for Saskia’s return based on her invitation to Bo to find her when she’s ready to learn more. Plus she leaves her red jacket behind (Side Note: Grab that thing before Emma from Once Upon A Time sees it!)
Undercover Stints: It’s not quite undercover, but both Bo and Kenzi TGIF it up at a douchey singles bar named Crimson. Their hilarious speed dating stint reveals some absolute gem one-liners as Bo describes a regret involving rug burn, Kenzi dons a terrible accept to steal one guy’s watch and Ludacris is invoked in what must have been one of the most terrifying two minute dates ever.
Kenzi Hair-o-meter: Traditional bang’n’black wig for the start and end of the episode, with a truly terrible multiple coloured piece in the middle. Is it possible that a mop molest a muppet and then attached itself to her head?
Bo Personal development: There are a few key pieces. The conflict between Lauren (Zoie Palmer) and Bo arises early when Bo asks for a medical opinion on the suicide and the atmosphere is icier than the time Bo got jabbed in the chest with ice fingers. Although I figure we can all figure out why Lauren did what she did, how catty was Bo’s initial burn (“Not so sure I trust your judgment on sexual matters.”). The truly realistic piece, though, that absolutely guts my Lauren/Bo shipper heart: when the doctor begs to explain and Bo stops her in her tracks with “You ruined any chance we had. And I think that’s really shitty.” Yikes.

Courtesy of Syfy / Showcase
Obviously the bigger story is all the succubus development. We gain a metric ton of new stuff, including that one or more of Bo’s parents are sex chi eaters (mom is a succubus or dad is an incubus). We learn that it’s possible to suck the chi out of someone and then give it back. We learn that succubi don’t work: they’re private escorts, strippers…or wives (nyuk nyuk nyuk). They’re also, according to Saskia, attracted to “sexier” places such as Berlin (alrighty then).
Sexnanigans: Aside from a lot of dirty one-liners at the start of the episode and an information threesome with sleazy late night pick-up artist Carter (Lee Rumohr – which can’t possibly be his real name, can it?), the episode is pretty light of dirty bits. Kinda surprising considering we doubled our succubi count…
Other Observations
- The B storyline, involving Kenzi helping Trick to find a valuable coin is worth mentioning solely because the lightning bird, Gloris (Abena Malika) informs Kenzi about Trick’s Blood Mage status that we learned about last week, even if she doesn’t fully understand it. Aside from that the lightning bird is an interesting character, but there’s never any danger of Trick losing the Dal, or not finding the coin, so this feels like a bit of filler.
(The Many) Best Lines of the Episode
- Bo (discussing her recent attempts to find a sexual partner): “Men. Women. Humans. Fae. That one time with a goat.”
- Kenzi (sidling up the the bar at the Dal): “”Hit me with some hooch, T-Bag. T-dog.” (In child’s voice) “Please sir may I have some beverage?”
- Kenzi (as Valentine – another dwarf – enters the bar): “Uh oh, trouble in the Shire.”
- Bo (downing shots): “Two words: Lauren and kiss my ass. Lotta hyphens in the last one.”
- Bo (surveying Allison’s bookshelf): “I guess that was something we had in common: looking for love in all the wrong places.” Kenzi: “Is that your way of saying anal?”
- Kenzi (upon entering the bar): “Set phasers to douche”
- Kenzi (quoting Ludacris at speed dating): “Regret is for suckas, for suckas, for suckas. Regret is for suckas…bitch”
- Kenzi (regarding Trick’s request for help): “Is this a sex thing? Or a virgin sacrifice? Because I don’t think I can help you with that.”
- Saskia (surveying Bo’s place): “What? Is your box broken?”
- Saskia (dismissing Bo as a potential lover): “I’m kind of a novelty whore”
- Trick: “I try not to “shit” about things.”
- Bo (to Saskia, as they tie up Bertram): “I’m thinking that he’s not going to like this threesome at all.”
All in all I found this episode hilarious and revealing. The casting for Saskia, as Silk and the others suggest in the interview, is spot-on: the woman is magnetic and incredibly sexual, but there’s a sense of menace underneath that makes both Dyson and Lauren seem like girl scouts in comparison. Plus any episode that ends by reiterating the importance of the Bo/Kenzi relationship is alright by me, cause I kinda love them.
What did you think,Lost Girl fans? Was Saskia everything you imagined in another succubus? Did any piece of succubus trivia surprise or interest you? Did anyone really get anything out of the B storyline with the lightning bird besides thinking that it was a fun little diversion? Sound off below.
Lost Girl airs Mondays at 10pm EST on Syfy. All episodes are available online for Canadians on Showcase.ca
[…] episode that provides some additional clues about the Fae world. Last week was an amazing episode, ‘The Mourning After’ which introduced Saskia and broke open the whole succubus rule-book, which is followed this week by […]