Courtesy of Shocase / Syfy
Last week’s Lost Girl was a high for the series: it had great fights, interesting new Fae, and moved the Bo (Anna Silk) / Dyson (Kris Holden-Reid) dynamic forward. This week’s episode, ‘Food For Thought’ proved just as solid as the central conflict concerned the well-being of Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) – arguably the show’s breakout star – and marked the return of hot doc, Lauren (Zoie Palmer).
Let’s bitch it out…
Case of the week: Like the best “case of the week”, ‘Food For Thought’ brought the drama to our core cast. After Kenzi and Bo tag along with Lauren on “official business” to the home of an Aswang named Halima (Lynne Griffin), an order of Fae who eat human corpses, Kenzi becomes sick with a mystery disease. Ordinarily Aswang can eat anything, but in this case a bowl of foot soup is fatal.
Bo and Kenzi trace the origins of the foot when Kenzi begins to exhibit symptoms (which for our viewing pleasure includes bleeding from the eyes). It’s a simple solution: if Lauren finds the original source, she can make a vaccine. If not, Kenzi dies.
At this point the episode splits in two: one storyline follows Lauren and Bo as they infiltrate a local pharmaceutical company that was experimenting on “foot guy”. The other follows Dyson and Trick as they care for Kenzi as her health deteriorates.
Undercover Stints: Lauren and Bo go undercover in the lab (Lauren as an outside quality control inspector; Bo as Cindy, the new assistant for a lecherous doctor). They have wildly different approaches: Lauren is rational and methodical, while Bo is emotional and desperate to “succubus” everyone. Side Note: Watching Bo grossly flirt with Kouyoumijian (Hrant Alianak) – “I don’t usually have trouble wrapping my mouth around things” – made me throw up a bit in my mouth, but I enjoyed how well she can play these dumb men to get what she wants. In this case it’s to get into Sector 6, the high-security area that conceals a tank with a creepy eel-like basilisk that provides Lauren with the raw material to make a cure and save Kenzi.
Kenzi Hair-o-meter: The cutesy red shoulder-length bob during the early parts of the episode is reminiscent of last week’s Russian prostitute wig. As soon as she gets sick and ends up in the Fae hospital, Kenzi regresses back to her original black with side ponytails.

Courtesy of Showcase / Syfy
Bo Personal development: Very little for the most part, although she does manage to “succubus” a guard at the pharmaceutical company without killing him. “Check me out” indeed.
Sexnanigans: The episode opens with Bo’s test/date with “after-hours” Lauren. The evening involves tequila, as well as reading the sexual aura of folks in the bar, including Lauren’s. Kenzi rightly observes that this for some reason requires the careful selection of a date outfit, which speaks more to Bo’s proclivity for “the ladies” and less for the test. Alas, Bo initially fails despite making a connection with Lauren (and the clear desire to act on it) because she doesn’t trust herself to feed without killing.
Other Observations:
- This episode does a great job of developing the growing bond between unlikely characters. Kenzi is taken care of by both Trick and Dyson, who rescues her from the Fae hospital and covers her tracks from the Ash. Kenzi is clearly back on Team Dyson as she makes a deathbed confession: she asks Dyson to watch Bo’s back, even if it means ultimately “letting her go.”
- Trick (Richard Howland) plays an integral side-role in this episode, the first to use him beyond simply interactions as a barkeep. After a sick Kenzi arrives at the Dal, he trades Arval (Canadian genre fave Julian Richlings) a prized chain for an abethorn – a kind of vegetable he shaves into tea to improve her strength. It’s the first real sign of affection Trick has shown for Kenzi, with whom he’s previously had a love/hate relationship.
- How funny is it for Dyson to plant drugs AND a pipe bomb in the bag of the real Dr. Hanson (Laura de Carteret)? That’s a bit of overkill, wolfie.
- The final scene includes flirtatious banter with Lauren, as well as the acknowledgement between Dyson and Bo that thanks to the good doctor’s training Bo is now free to see other people. Your reaction to this depends on who you’re ‘shipping’: Lauren or Dyson. Personally, I am on Team Lauren – not only because the chemistry between the two of them is palpable, but because Lauren isn’t afraid to be with Bo. As much as I like Dyson, if he’s going to be with Bo, he needs to go “all in”. We know that he and Trick have discussed why he can’t be with her (though we do not understand why), but it’s obvious that he still has feelings and continues to act like a jealous lover. Whatever he’s doing, Dyson is clearly not ready for Bo…yet.
Best lines of the night:
Bo (addressing her ‘test’): “I’d rather do multiple orgasms than multiple choice” (umm..yeah, Bo, wouldn’t we all?)
Kenzi (responding to Bo’s suggestion that Lauren is more interesting than she appears): “Yeah, only because you want to see her naked bits”
Lauren (to Halima): “I’m not liking what I’m seeing. Could it be someone you ate?”
Kenzi (to Dyson): “I’m not scared or anything. Just bored. And you to amuse me.”
Kenzi: “Did I just wake up in Narnia?”
Bo: “Think it’s whatever’s in the giant freaking tank?”
How did you feel about ‘Food For Thought’? Did the episode mean more because they were fighting against the clock to save Kenzi? Were you happy to see the return of Lauren or are you a member of Team Dyson?
Sound off below…and be sure to send Syfy a Tequila basket to thank them for their support of the show. Earlier this week they announced that the second season will begin airing immediately after the end of the first season in April. Consider yourself lucky US fans – you get all Bo and no waiting!
assuming a succubus is capbale of being on a team, I’m team Dyson! no question there is huge sexual tension between Lauren and Bo, but the chemistry is a little too sexual. Do they ever not give sexy eyes to each other? Dyson-Bo is more layered and complicated and more interesting.