Courtesy of Showcase / Syfy
Last week Lost Girl echoed my beloved Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in several ways: the case of the week featured a giant reptile and the Greek system, and our heroine, Bo (Anna Silk) slept with her boyfriend, only to have him turn into a giant sack of douche. So what’s a girl to do? Kenzi and I would go the ice cream for breakfast route, but I guess if you’re a succubus rejection means you have a threesome. That works, too!
Let’s bitch it out…Alright, full disclosure…I totally included that picture to tantalize you. But if the show uses it, why shouldn’t I? Let’s be honest: when was the last time a show was so frank (and refreshingly non-PG) about sexuality? Slow clap for Lost Girl.
Case of the week: Our story begins in medias res with Kenzi and Bo escaping a giant explosion. After a sexy-dirty menage a trois that leaves poor Kenzi reaching for the booze (and sawdust in her cereal), the jealous Fury half of Bo’s threesome couple, Olivia (Amber Goldfarb), hires Bo to murder her husband, Samir’s (Stefano DiMatteo) human ‘piece of tail on the side’ girlfriend, Jenny (Krystin Pellerin). Got that?
After a Kill Bill-esque encounter with Olivia in Jenny’s kitchen (weapon of choice: toaster), Bo officially switches sides to protect Jenny. It’s not long before the heads start to roll, though: Samir is discovered dead in his house and Olivia is accused of killing him in a mad fit. It all ends in a farmhouse showdown between Bo, a can of something – WD40? – Olivia’s grieving Fury sisters and serial killer (and head collector) Jenny. Bo rescues Kenzi, house goes boom, and Jenny’s head collection comes raining down on Dyson’s hood. This all would have been more interesting had it not opened the episode, J.J. Abrams-style (in media res was a familiar Alias trope), since we know that Bo and Kenzi escape to quip one-liners another day. Meh…
Undercover Stints: Alas none, but Bo does rock a silk floral kimono. Does Jenny’s creepy dress-up stint count?
Kenzi Hair-o-meter: Black as usual, but the majority of the time she dressed it down with a bandana (and a ninja sword). Just your usual ‘hanging around the house’ get-up.
Bo Personal development: Nothing on the parental front, though we learn that Bo has never been rejected. This initiates our case of the week as Kenzi takes her on a binge drinking recovery day at The Dal where Bo meets the unlucky couple (indicative of open-relationship Fae couples?). Side Note: Were the girls drinking absinthe or creme de menthe?
Sexnanigans: Mild flirtation with Lauren at The Dal (or “serious sparkage” as Kenzi quotes), but, of course, Bo knows that she can’t do anything without killing her. Hence, house-breaking threesome! I especially enjoyed Olivia’s line the next day that she was so weak she could barely walk to her car. Umm…yikes?

Courtesy of Showcase / Syfy
Other Observations:
- How bad was that dialogue between Dyson, Officer Tong (Jean Yoon) and the psychologist (Rosemary Dunsmore)? Waaay too hard boiled and cliche (“Report to shrink or I chain you to this desk!”). Dyson angrily calling Tong “ma’am” was kinda amusing, though. Thank goodness Jenny’s mass murderer status got him brownie points in the cop world or this would have been pointless. Oh wait…(and no I’m not counting the fact that Dyson’s talking about Bo in therapy as worthwhile)
- Between the groan inducing title (woh woh), the puns (“What are you, a succubus or a succubust?”; “People are really starting to lose their heads”) and the too-on-the-nose comments (“Some people just can’t handle rejection”; flowering/growing metaphors) this episode edged into Batman and Robin territory a bit more than I would have liked. Typically there’s a stronger balance of witty jokes to obvious jokes, though you may disagree depending on your taste for cheeky humour.
- Who anonymously texts notice of a murder to the police? A florist apparently… (in an old Buffy episode Willow panicked because her career SAT indicated she could be a computer genius or a florist and, in the words of the teen witch, “florist means crazy”)
- Was it absolutely necessary for Kenzi to dig around in Jenny’s bag for the head after finding a bloody power saw? At that point it’s pretty clear that Jenny is one petal full of a full flower (Come on – I had to!)
- An amusing relationship between Trick (Rick Howland) and Kenzi seems to be developing after Trick catches her stealing a 300 year old bottle of Buckmeade mead. Adversaries or sidekick allies?
- We also learn what kind of Fae Dyson’s partner, Hale (K.C. Collins) is: a siren! Between him, and the return of Lauren (Zoie Palmer) and The Ash (Cle Bennett) this is the most complete we’ve seen the cast since the pilot. Too bad they turned out for a bit of a dud episode.
Lines of the night:
I’m going to have to give the edge to Bo tonight. I guess being rejected = access to all kinds of bitter/sarcastic lines:
- Kenzi (as Bo smashes a car’s windshield): Bust it like it’s Dyson’s juicy ass!
- Olivia (to Kenzi): “Where’s your owner?”
- Bo: “I put a little too much oomph in my zing.”
- Bo (rolling Samir’s head towards Jenny): “How could I resist such a romantic gesture?”
- Kenzi (after Dyson leaves with an apology): “Yup, still a douche.”
The episode ends on a strange note as Bo proposes she and Dyson become friends with benefits (so they will have sexnanigans when they want the flesh-time, not just when she needs healing). What do you think, readers: is this progressive considering she proposes it (even though we know she likes him)? Or is this backwards considering he kicked her to the curb at the end of the last episode? My only concern is that coming so soon after their ‘break-up’, this seems to condone his douchebaggery. I’ll reserve judgment until we see how the new arrangement works out, but in the meantime, sound off in the comments with your opinion…
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Kenzi (as Bo smashes a car’s windshield): Bust it like it’s Dyson’s juicy ass!
[…] Last week brought us the first ho-hum episode of Lost Girl. This week the show rebounds with a fun little caper of an episode that demonstrates how a case-of-the-week doesn’t have to suck the life out of a show. […]