Courtesy of Syfy/Showcase
Last week Lost Girl ended with some naked sexy shenanigans (sexnanigans?). This week’s episode begins immediately afterwards Bo (Anna Silk) and Dyson (Kris Holden-Reid) explore some sexual boundaries in an otherwise routine “case of the week.”
Let’s bitch it out…
I realized last week as I created the template for these Lost Girl recaps that I neglected an incredibly important aspect of the show: the sexual misadventures of Bo. Oh sure, there’s the overarching mythology about finding out about her parents mixed in with the case of the week, but linking the two is a healthy dose of sexual dysfunction. I’ve rectified this oversight with an additional category on the sexnanigans, so without further ado, let’s discuss “Oh Kappa, My Kappa” which presents us with an underwhelming case of the week, but plenty of Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) witticisms and a ridiculous amount of Bo/Dyson moments for the ‘shippers.
Case of the week: Last week our ladies had a semi-memorable outing with the Will-o-Wisps (pro: headless assassins, fiery green farts; con: pay-off about Bo’s family not worth the initial investment). This week the investment factor drops another notch as the search for a missing sorority pledge at the local college is a relatively straight forward “kidnapped girl = monster food” storyline. I’ve seen this campus magic/sacrifice story before (cough *The Skulls* cough *The Covenant*cough), but more importantly I’ve seen it done better. Exhibit A: Buffy‘s ‘Reptile Boy’ in which Buffy and Cordie are almost sacrificed to a reptile monster hidden in the basement of a frat house. If the monster is kept happy, it grants wealth and prosperity to the frat members. If Buffy is on the menu, however, the monster is going down…
Here we swap out the frat bays for a middle-aged security guard named Wayne who’s kept alive by student-infused protein water from the monster’s meals (how many calories would that have in it?). The outcome when it attacks Bo is more or less the same as if it has attacked Buffy. The difference is that my favourite heroine saved herself, whereas Bo needs Dyson to chop off the top of the Kappa, the Japanese fae-monster-of-the-week with the Voldemort head. Yawn…
Undercover Stints: Bo rocks the Terminatrix security guard outfit (including aviator sunglasses and SECURITY shirt that screams “look at my boobs”). Kenzi also gets into the action by posing as a valley-girl sorority pledge
Kenzi Hair-o-meter: Black for regular everyday; blonde wig for her Kappa undercover gig. It’s a pretty bad wig, so it’s especially funny when it comes askew after she plays drinking games. Oh and she dresses in pink…which is something we should probably enjoy because it’s unlikely to ever happen again

Courtesy of Syfy/Showcase
Bo Personal development: Mostly quiet this week, although there are whispers from the Dyson-Trick (Richard Howland) alliance that Dyson can’t make Bo angry because it has driven previous fae to the dark. The not so subtle suggestion is that Trick knows who Bo is, or has some connection to her absent parents. But for now, it’s all being kept very hush hush, except for…
Sexnanigans: This is where the really juicy stuff is. Forget the case, and forget the strangely stiff way that Bo walked in her security guard outfit. It was the Bo/Dyson stuff that made this episode worth watching. After Dyson spends the night “healing” her, Bo tries to play it cool with both him and Kenzi but it’s pretty obvious that she’s lady crushing on the new relationship. If she needs help, she calls him. He asks her to check-in when she’s out patrolling…er…going undercover at the campus (another Buffy reference? Oh yeah!) and he transforms into a wolf to kill Wayne, but more importantly to parade around topless while saving her. It’s all so sweet!
And it could have lasted, but sad-sack Trick reminds Dyson about the mysterious previous history, and suddenly Dyson is getting busy with new The Dal waitress (beer wench) Kayla. When Bo sees him, he goes all Angel on her (aka the boyfriend who becomes a jerk after you sleep with them). What I liked about the final scene at the bar was that the conversation between Dyson and Bo felt real. He tried to pretend that they had an unspoken agreement that they only slept together because she was injured, and she actually calls him on the lie. In other shows there would be swelling music and it would be drawn out. Instead Bo gets pissed and leaves…which is pretty much what most of us would do in this situation. An unhappy note to end on, but a nicely realized one that reinforces that the show’s main interest is exploring relationships, which is both novel and refreshing.
Other Considerations:
Haven’t really spoken much about Kenzi, mostly because she was cracking one-liners for the better part of the episode. Here are some of the best:
- Kenzi (justifying her tall-tales on the detective brochures she printed for Bo’s business): In my defense, the truth is for pussies
- Kenzi (referring to the sorority girls): Bad news is: bitches be crazy
- Kenzi (hair askew and hung-over from partying with the sorority sisters): Turns out girls’ night was code for drink until your lips fall off and you start oversharing…I think I touched a boob
- Kenzi (upon seeing Dyson change into a wolf): Holy shitballs! That was awesome.
Indeed it was. So now we know that Dyson is a fae with the ability to change into a wolf. As he earlier insinuated to Bo, knowing what kind of fae species someone is tells them what you’re weakness is. So what do we think Dyson’s weakness as a wolf-shifter is? I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s an inability to keep a shirt on or resist a woman in black leather…
[…] Last week Lost Girl echoed my beloved Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in several ways: the case of the week featured a giant reptile and the Greek system, and our heroine, Bo (Anna Silk) slept with her boyfriend, only to have him turn into a giant sack of douche. So what’s a girl to do? Kenzi and I would go the ice cream for breakfast route, but I guess if you’re a succubus rejection means you have a threesome. That works, too! […]