Courtesy of FX
Justified‘s problematic fifth season continues with an episode that feels like it should pack more of a punch than it does.
Let’s bitch it out…
Initially I thought that ‘Weight’ was going to be another comedic Dewey (Damon Herriman) episode and that made me happy because inevitably when bad things happen to him, it means good things for us. Unfortunately that’s not really what the episode turns out to be; instead this is another collage of scenes that don’t really add up to a cohesive whole.
As Alan Sepinwall suggests, a few scenes stand-out, including Wynn Duffy’s (Jere Burns) meeting with the mysterious Katherine Hale (Mary Steenburgen) and Raylan’s (Timothy Olyphant) showdown with Danny (AJ Buckley). Both exemplify Justified‘s quick wit, great acting and, in the case of the latter, a penchant for amusingly violent deaths. I’ll throw Daryl Jr’s (Michael Rapaport) abuse of sister Wendy (Alicia Witt) into that mix: tough as it is to watch, I appreciate that Wendy is finally nearing the point of splitting off from her brother (Side Note: I’ll confess that I don’t understand why, after everything that she’s seen, Wendy doesn’t simply pack Jacob Lofland’s Kendal up and move out as soon as possible. I know we’re meant to believe that the Crowes stick together, but Wendy still strikes me as too smart to stay).
Aside from these scenes, however, I’ve got to say that it just feels like Justified is in a rut. The last batch of episodes simply hasn’t held my attention and it’s gotten to the point where anytime Boyd (Walton Goggins) is on screen worrying about Ava (Joelle Carter) or his heroin shipment, I basically tune out. Here’s hoping that with Danny out of the way, Darryl Jr slipping up and the Crowe’s inevitable move on Alison (Amy Smart), these last two episodes can make up for lost ground.

Courtesy of FX
Other Observations:
- Ava’s story goes in a mildly unexpected direction this week as she waffles back and forth on killing Judith (Dale Dickey), before she’s ultimately forced to commit the act. The fact that Ava first sent Boyd away and then tried to negotiate with Judith suggests that Ava is trying to reclaim her agency over a powerless situation. Unfortunately with Judith’s murder and lovestruck Albert (Danny Strong) unwilling to recant, Ava’s suffering is sure to continue.
- I have always loved Jeremy Davies on this show, but I don’t really know what to make of his scene with Raylan in the prison. The extended joke about sticking your own hand up your ass played out like the writers thought it was much funnier or cleverer than it is. I’m glad that Dickie is alive so that he can return at some point, but I hope it’s done better than this.
- Put me down as intrigued to see what becomes of this Hale woman. Steenburgen doesn’t really go for these kinds of roles, so I’m keen to see what she brings to the table as a lady crime boss (first one since Mags!). If it means more screen time (and sexually laced repartee) for Jere Burns, then I say bring it on.
Best Lines:
- Daryl Jr (when Raylan asks where all of the whores at Audrey’s are): “Can’t every day be Black Friday”
- Raylan (to Danny as he grieves over Chelsea): “No disrespect intended besides the fact that that dog would have been happy to bite my face off and wear it like a Halloween mask.”
- Nick Searcy’s Art (when Raylan insists there’s more to the case): “How is that even possible?”
What are your thoughts on ‘Weight’? Were you hoping that the storylines would come together or focus on Dewey more? Happy to see Dickie alive? Do you care about Ava’s predicament (yes, I ask this each week)? And are you wishing Boyd was being used for more interesting things? Sound off below
Justified airs Tuesdays at 10pm EST on FX
I thought this episode was great. I have enjoyed every episode this season and while I can see what some people are complaining about, it doesn’t bother me like it bothers them.
I like Ava’s storyline, it feels like a separate show because I think its supposed to be. That is how Ava feels, separated from everything else.
I like the Crowes. They are great. I think labeling them as “big bads” are wrong because people seem to get preconceived notions on how a “big bad” should be like and people compare villains where they clearly should not.
I like Boyd getting beat down week after week (what? you thought running a drug empire was going to be easy?).
I think reading these negative reviews and comments are kind of warping my perception of this season of Justified. I think after this season ends I’m gonna have to put some distance between myself and season five and revisit it sometime down the road and finally judge for myself how much I like it.