Courtesy of FX
In case you were concerned that there hasn’t been enough bloodshed on Justified this season, ‘Shot All To Hell’ is the episode for you. After last week’s comparably straightforward episode, this week we scatter in all directions as things go poorly for nearly everyone.
Let’s bitch it out…Well nearly everyone. The winner of the week is Art (Nick Searcy) who not only bags Theo Tonin (Alan Arkin), but advances his investigation into Nicky Augustine’s murder far enough to force Raylan’s (Timothy Olyphant) hand and prompt him to confess his involvement. Art also gets a real kick-ass stare down with an assassin named Elias Marcos (a very welcome Alan Tudyk) in between bouts of verbal sparring with Wynn Duffy (Jere Burns) and Picker (John Kapelos). Like, seriously, how awesome is the entire sequence set at the dinner? There’s a palpable danger in the air that a full-on shoot-out will break out among the grapefruit juice and pancakes as Picker, Art and Marcos stare each other down. Naturally the dialogue – consisting mostly of barbed quips – is so hilarious I practically want to frame it on my wall. Scenes like this are why I love this show.
‘Shot All To Hell’ is a great episode for the series. I had my concerns early in the season, but after last week and this week, I should probably eat my shoe for being doubtful. I particularly enjoy the extreme lengths that Boyd (Walton Goggins) goes to, even if the Ava (Joelle Carter) part of the plot ends up being a huge disappointment. But before things go to hell with her and her pint-sized guard (poor Danny Strong), everything appears to be working out perfectly for Boyd (that’s when you know bad news is coming). In a single episode Boyd manages to get rid of three adversaries: Lee Paxton (Sam Anderson), Acting Sheriff Mooney (William Gregory Lee) and Mara (Karolina Wydra). It’s a great sweep that’s only undone by forces beyond his control inside the jail. Hell, Boyd even got to show up Daryl Jr (Michael Rapaport) when the Florida Crowe tries to threaten him in his own bar! Things should continue to be interesting next week since Boyd thinks he’s taken care of Cousin Johnny (David Meunier) by convincing Rodney “Hot Rod” Dunham to flip on him, but in truth the reverse has happened.
Speaking of the Crowes, as predicted they don’t take lightly to Raylan’s ploy to move Kendal Crowe (Jacob Lofland) into a foster home. This brings Wendy (Alicia Witt) back into the picture – and presumably the scheming – which means the whole family is reunited and likely sticking around to cause more problems. Of course this assumes that family psychopath Danny Crowe (AJ Buckley) stops arbitrarily killing people – RIP Baptiste (Edi Gathegi). Clearly Danny is the family’s biggest liability. I’m looking forward to seeing what the Crowes have planned for their next move as we head into the mid-season.
Other Observations:
- Good on Allison (Amy Smart) for calling Raylan out on using foster services to advance his BS “campaign of harassment” and hurt the Crowes. This is more moral/legal slippery slope stuff for Raylan.
- I think it’s interesting that Boyd continually underestimates Cousin Johnny. At some point this is going to come back and bite him in the ass. That time may be coming soon, come to think of it.
- I honestly can’t get invested in Ava’s storyline. It’s just so blah and forced. The moment we hear that she’s getting out of jail, it is clear (and obvious) that something will happen to keep her in. Lo and behold…
- It’s likely residual Firefly and Dollhouse sentiment, but I wish that Alan Tudyk had of been able to stick around longer. His Elias Marcos is a great character, albeit clearly too ambitious for his own good.
- I’m praying in my heart of hearts, but I doubt we’ve seen the last of Mara and her blackmailing ways. She looked mighty peeved when Boyd told her he wasn’t paying her and told her to get outta town. I’m willing to bet the girl has a penchant for revenge.
Best Lines:
- Wynn (to break the tension): “Does anyone mind if I order?”
- Wynn (when Art threatens to draw on Marcos): “FYI that’s kinda a thing with these Marshals”
- Daryl (after Boyd reveals his identity): “Goddamn it man that was cool as ice”
Your turn: did you enjoy the bloodletting? Are you surprised that Raylan appears to have confessed to Art? Is it sad that Ava has been sent away or is it simply aggravating? Should Boyd fear Johnny more? And what will the Crowes do next? Sound off below
Justified airs Tuesdays at 10pm EST on FX. Please note that there will be no review posted next week, so I’ll double up on my return.
Kind of disappointed they killed Jean Baptist. He could have been such a unique and BADASS character for this series. But, from what I hear, his death will have sever repercussions, especially on young Kendell who, as Graham Yost said, will really carve out where the rest of the season will go. So he didn’t die for nothing I guess.
Kind of disappointed the way Theo’s story ended. We never got to see him talk to that damn ear 🙁
Otherwise, I’m loving this season and really think the last half is going to be action packed.