Courtesy of Showtime
The pressure gets to Brody (Damian Lewis) and Dana (Morgan Saylor) as they wander around seeking forgiveness as Homeland begins to set up for the end of its second season.
Let’s bitch it out…At certain points in the season, every show spends a few transitional episodes setting things up for the next storyline or leading up to a big showcase. In the world of Homeland, this means that the pressure finally gets to two worn characters, causing them both to crack.
Obviously the most sensational is Lewis’ Brody, who flips out on Jess (Morena Baccarin) when she b*tches him out for not supporting Dana’s decision to go to the police about the hit and run. Then he quits on Roya (Zuleikha Robinson), prompting Carrie (Claire Danes) to step in, take him to a CIA safe harbor site where she gets him back on track by boinking him on loudspeaker. Oh Carrie. Sometimes I think we all feel like Saul (Mandy Patinkin), who both defends her actions to colleagues like the incredulous Quinn (Rupert Friend) but privately questions her about these actions. Because forseriously…sometimes this woman just does not think her decisions through.
Or maybe we just don’t get it, because her magical vag certainly seems to do the trick. In the morning Brody calls Roya and things seem kindasorta okay for a bit, at least on the CIA/Brody side. As soon as Roya throws away her memory card, it seems obvious that there’s a plan afoot, though anyone who didn’t see it coming when Abu Nazir got out of the car after Brody is kidnapped via helicopter needs to a) watch the show more or b) watch television more. Considering Navid Negahban was upgraded to series regular before the second season began, I’m honestly surprised that it’s taken so long for him to show up (perhaps he’s been in hiding since that assassination attempt in 2×02 ‘Beirut Is Back’?)
Of course the fact that the master terrorist has turned up while Brody is out of contact with Carrie – on American soil no less – does not bode well. Considering the continued importance Roya hints at with the VP Walden (an unseen Jamey Sheridan), it’s clear that we’re headed towards another dramatic conclusion as the attack looms closer.

Courtesy of Showtime
Other Observations:
- I’d have likely groaned my way through Dana’s storyline if it weren’t for the presence of Mike (Diego Klattenhoff) and no one is more surprised about it than me. They share some really nice scenes, especially the one in which Dana acknowledges Mike’s affair with Jess and how painful it must have been for him to step back when Brody reappeared. It’s a surprising connection to form between two characters who have barely interacted (never independently of other characters unless I’m mistaken). Once again Homeland has found a way to make Mike useful, so kudos on that front
- With that said, Dana’s shock at discovering the daughter of her car accident wants nothing to do with her except for her to keep her mouth shut is snore inducing. My notes read as such: “Dana blah blah cry blah blah cry”. Don’t get me wrong: Saylor sells the crap out of it, but this storyline has been as DOA as the car accident victim that did a triple axle over the hood of the car
- How uncomfortable is that scene in which Carrie returns from her night of Brody lovemaking only to discover that everyone was listening in? Talk about undercutting your professionalism in front of work colleagues
- Finally a quick shout-out to David Marciano, whose Virgil is back in the mix. Like Negahban, Marciano was also promoted this season, but the show hasn’t done a great deal with him. Hopefully he’ll be around more to cranktankerously complain about how dark the back roads of Washington are while trailing terrorists in the dead of night
Best Lines:
- Carrie (to Brody): “This isn’t the future I had planned for us.” The very fact that she has a future planned for them is disconcerning
- Carrie (to Brody): “This deal, I think it’s a way out for both of us.” Anyone want to take bets whether Brody even survives the season?
- Carrie (to Saul when he confesses they listened to her have sex): “Well I don’t know what’s worse: Quinn’s idiot perverts or you giving me that look.”
What did you think of the episode: transitional episode or filler? Are you surprised Nazir is in the US? Do you think Carrie is becoming increasingly unhinged? Do you want to see more Virgil and less hit-and-run crying? Sound off below
Homeland airs Sundays at 10pm EST on Showtime