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It’s the end of the road for Bitten S2. What does the future hold for the witches and the werewolves as the Undoing reaches completion?
Let’s bitch it out…
Each week cinephilactic (C) and StonehavenGroupie (SG) text their review of the latest episode of Bitten back and forth. A day late, they’re tackling the second season finale.
SG: First off: I can’t even leave you alone to nicely review one episode…..I totally disagree that episode 9 sucked
C: Well compared to the finale it was a masterpiece
SG: Oh so it’s going to be like that, is it?
C: Ha ha. Yup! I just wanted the second season to end well. And it didn’t
SG: You just wanted another hot guy head left in a room
C: I will admit that there was an absence of hot decapitated guys. But this year’s cliffhanger was uninspired
SG: It’s called “we’re not sure if we are picked up for a 3rd season”
C: Fair. So what did you think of the resolution of the Undoing? Are you satisfied?
SG: Well I kinda felt the whole undoing thing was a bit off. But I guess the writers wrapped it up. Aleister (Sean Rogerson) ran out of friends/ followers and Savannah (Kiara Glasco) managed to whine her way through another episode
C: Who’s grouchy now? What about Paige (Tommie Amber Pirie)?
SG: Oh god. Please let them kill her in between seasons!!!! So freaking melodramatic!!!! And her acting is getting WORSE!
C: I particularly liked the random bit when Aleister possessed her for no reason so that we could get a Paige vs Elena (Laura Vandervoort) scene <sarcasm>
SG: I threw up a bit there – weird. Yeah that entire sequence just felt completely unnecessary. Seriously Elena: Just ditch her!
Oh, and just because you brought it up in yesterday’s review: what’s worse than an episode in a basement (OK, you had a point there)? A whole episode chasing security guards through a lobby!!
C: Yeah – that was super bland. I really wanted other magical creatures – not possessed guards. It practically screamed “we ran out of money!”
SG: Lol!
C: Speaking of Elena: I did like the scenes between her and Clay (Greyston Holt).
SG: Yes, the chemistry between Elena and Clay was finally better – and bonus for Clay whipping the shirt off! Hello!
C: Her death was ridiculous (albeit not antler in the chest ridiculous)
SG: Buhahaha! Where the hell did Aleister even get that random full antler from????
C: Umm. Under the table? Yeah…I don’t know. I did cheer though
SG: Oh yeah, me too. Finally! Porn-tasche dies!
C: I did like Elena and Savannah worked together to defeat Aleister, even if I could have done with a subtler touch on the resolution of Savannah’s vision
SG: Elena drenched in blood didn’t do it for you?
C: That doesn’t really do much for me, as you know. Actually my favourite part of the episode (aside from Nick’s [Steve Lund] parkour inspired escalator fight) was the underwater shot of Elena drowning Aleister as the dawn breaks through

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SG: The whole episode, really 9 and 10, felt a bit lost. Like the writers suddenly just realized they needed to wrap things up and this is what they came up
C: Yeah, like there was no plan besides the barest of outlines: everyone converges on the catacombs…and then we separate everyone for no reason? Nick is afraid to shift so Jeremy (Greg Byrk) has to fight everyone. Paige attacks Elena and then pukes. Oh, and Cain (Noah Danby) redeems himself by committing suicide to save Clay. Yeah…none of that sounds like it was made up on the fly or anything
SG: I agree. So I’m a bit disappointed, but I like that the writers are making an effort to keep elements of the books in the show, even if some things are so far off that it’s not even funny! (Seriously, Cain using brain cells????)
C: RIP Ruth (Tammy Isbell)
SG: I’m not a fan of the whole death switch, but admittedly Ruth was getting lame. And we all like Elena more
C: Do you feel like Ruth redeemed herself (she was an attempted child murderer after all)
SG: Well…technically she did not. She told pyscho Clara (Debra McCabe) to take care of it. Ruth didn’t specify how. But sure, I’ll be satisfied that Ruth made a death swap in exchange for bad choices from 17 years ago old.
Also how did we not talk about Ruth getting knocked up at 17!!??
C: We didn’t care?
SG: Oh that’s right
C: So what’s your overall grade for S2?
SG: Meh….. 6.5/10. Paige costs them a full point
C: You were always going to hate her considering you hate her in the books
SG: Yup
C: Where do you see the series going next? Does that cliffhanger give you an idea as a fan? Should we assume that Elena is channeling Carrie at the prom aka Stonehaven?
SG: Lol. Well admittedly I did not see things heading this way at the end of S1, so I’m guessing. Let’s say: a whole new direction (hopefully the end of Rachel [Genelle Williams] since we have no need to deal with her anymore!) and all of the remaining characters stop whining. And no more running upstairs….or down to the basement…and get a damn bed!!!
C: Why? According to the show’s timeline, no one has slept in two weeks! Lol
SG: But they all look flawless and have clean clothes
C: Well, it IS television after all
SG: And that’s a wrap on S2.
Your turn: what did you think of the finale? Did Ruth and Cain redeem themselves? Did the possessed security guards reek of cheapness? Did you enjoy seeing Savannah and Elena team up to take down Aleister? And where do you think S3 will go? Sound off below.
Bitten has finished airing its second season. Rumours swirl that it has been renewed for S3, but SPACE has yet to confirm.