Courtesy of SPACE (via SpoilerTV)
Let the possession storyline begin: Aleister is driving Clay’s (Greyston Holt) body!
Let’s bitch it out…Each week cinephilactic (C) and his sister, StonehavenGroupie (SG) chat via text about Bitten‘s latest episode. Here’s their take on ‘Dark Arts’:
C: So did the possession storyline pay off for you?
SG: Ummmm. Not really impressed. I really found this episode forced
C: I’m inclined to agree. I found it slow. Is that an accurate description to you?
SG: Yes, me too! I almost felt they were stalling for Clay getting his awesome body back.
The whole possession thing really sucked. Come on, Aleister (Sean Rogerson): do you really think being a prick is how Clay (Greyston Holt) normally acts??? OMG! How did everyone figure out it wasn’t really him?! <sarcasm>
C: I found his motivations extremely confusing. He clearly wanted to turn the wolves against the witches and punish Elena (Laura Vandervoort), but why bother trying to kill Clay in such an elaborate fashion? Why try to rape Elena? Why pick a fight with Nick (Steve Lund)?
SG: I don’t get it either. I’m just assuming it was to drive everyone to hate Clay and make his escape with Savannah (Kiara Glasco) easier?
C: But even if that’s true, why not just force Savannah to drink Elena’s blood the moment he grabbed her during the Initiation ceremony? It seemed like his “suicide” attempt only existed so that we could get a Jeremy (Greg Byrk) vs Clay fight. Also: there was a lot of bushy hair when those two went at it
SG: Lol! And the problem with that?
C: I’ve seen 70s pornos with less feathered hair, that’s all
SG: Ewwww. I thought (regardless of the wild and crazy hair) it wasn’t a bad fight!
C: It was the most dynamic part of the episode, for sure
SG: I’m thinking he needed Savannah to get through the ritual first
C: What did you think of that? I love a good tiki hut in the woods, especially when you’ve got rats to hang out with
SG: Especially cuddly ones! Pretty shotty tiki hut, though. Damn thing blew right over
C: Would it have killed the writers to explain the purpose or the details of the ceremony at any point?
SG: Very much! Even I was pretty lost. None of this talismans, spirit animal, or coming of age stuff is in the books…For good reason 😉
C: One thing that bugged me about the ceremony is that there wasn’t anything especially visual about it. Other spells have had some cool FX to smooth over any questionable irregularities, but this looked like Savannah just went camping and her site got infested with rodents
SG: Lol!!!! In a dress, tights and combat boots 🙂

Courtesy of SPACE (via SpoilerTV)
C: One thing I did like was the continued reinforcement of Elena and Savannah’s connection. It makes it feel like the first 2/3 of the season isn’t completely unconnected to this last third
SG: I liked that, too. As well as Elena’s faith that Clay would come back. Jeremy was a huge disappointment, though. No way would he ever give up on Clay
C: Their relationship hasn’t been built up enough this season. It felt like Clay disappeared for long stretches early on so bringing him back and playing the father/son card without a better foundation really hurt this episode
SG: And the Paige (Tommie Amber Pirie) / Nick one is still a bit weird for me
C: Honestly that sex scene felt so awkwardly shoehorned in! I get that the sexy bits and frequent nudity is part of the show’s MO, but porking against the cage looked gross. Like, was that intended to be hot and/or romantic?! Give me a good’ol tree f*ck any day
SG: Lol! The face and boobs smash is not attractive to anyone 🙂
What are we at? 2 episodes left?
C: Yup – with a break for Easter. Where does the show go now that the Undoing has seemingly begun?
SG: Not sure. Will Ruth (Tammy Isbell) kick it? Will Rachel (an unseen Genelle Williams) and Logan (an unseen Michael Xavier) ever come back? Does anyone care about them? Lol
C: We certainly don’t! I loved that Jeremy was so confronted that Elena didn’t tell him about changing in front of Rachel, but he never once wondered where the hell Rachel and Logan even are!
SG: And did he think it was all peaches and ice cream when Elena was captured? Seriously was he really so surprised that shell shocked Elena was forced to do something werewolfy? She chopped off all her hair!
C: Someone clearly didn’t get the memo about haircuts + traumatic events
SG: Geez
C: Alright, my predictions to wrap this up: Ruth dies (she’s already bleeding), Savannah becomes even more special via the process and either she or Elena kill Aleister. Savannah and Paige then bugger off. To recover Nick hits the gay bar and Elena cuts Clay’s hair so they have fashionable his and her trauma cuts
SG: I agree with most of that 🙂
C: Fair enough!
Your turn: did the possession storyline pay off? What was Aleister’s plan exactly? Were you disappointed that Jeremy gave up on Clay so easily? Will Ruth die? And where the hell are Rachel and Logan (assuming you care)?
Bitten hits pause for the Easter weekend and returns Saturday, April 11 at 9pm EST on SPACE