Courtesy of SPACE / Syfy
It’s season two of werewolf drama Bitten and we’re trying something new: pitting the cynic versus the hard-core fan. Let the sibling rivalry begin!
Let’s bitch it out…
Each week cinephilactic and his sister, Stonehaven Groupie, text back and forth about the latest episode of Bitten. Here’s their take on the premiere. Mild SPOILERS for the books (and possibly the series) ahead:
cinephilactic (C): So overall what did you think of the episode?
StonehavenGroupie (SG): Good. I’m still working on not comparing the book vs the show. It was hard because of the intro of the witches and Malcolm (James McGowan). I would have liked to know how much exact time has passed since season 1, though. Clay (Greyson Holt) references a few days, but then Logan (Michael Xavier) confuses that.
C: Yeah Clay says it’s only been three days. When you mention comparing the books, do you mean the second Bitten book or the Otherworld series more generally (Eds note: Elena doesn’t feature in all of the books)?
SG: Both. The second book (Stolen) introduces SPOILER the secret lab for supernaturals END SPOILERS. So seeing that was cool. And we meet the witches, Paige (Tommie Amber Pirie) and her aunt/mom. In the books they don’t know about the Pack – just Elena (Laura Vandervoort). Malcolm actually doesn’t come into play again (short of memories and the back stories) until book 13.
C: I’m not sure that the witches do know about the Pack. They just seem to be interested in Malcolm at this point (they don’t know what they’re getting into). I can imagine the writers streamlining Malcolm in since they have McGowan kicking around.
Plus keeping him around ties season 1 & 2 together, although it did feel like a very abrupt shift in pacing when we started following Malcolm’s perspective after his mutts came under attack. It was like a whole other episode!
SG: I felt it was a good start to the new season. I like Elena’s vengeful kick-off. It’s usually Clay who is the hot head. I like that the writers kept the way he just stands behind her and she beats people up (including that line about letting his woman fight for him and his response that she hits harder <snicker snicker>)
C: I think killing off Hot Fiancé (aka Philip) was a good move. In many ways he held Elena back in S1. His death gives her more agency and makes her seem less whiny.
SG: I agree.
C: What’d you think of the acrobatic sex?
SG: I thought it was right on. In the books they have sex everywhere, all the time. And the Nicky (Steve Lund) sex scene was right on with his character.
C: I liked that his scenes with Joey (Elias Toufexis) were like a spy caper, right down to the suspenseful cross-cutting.
SG: I have issues with Joey because he should not be there. I know we met him last season, but in the books, he and his dad left the Pack and Joey wants nothing to do with them. He’s actually a real ass. But yeah, the spy stuff was well played.
C: I think Joey’s an utility player. They’ll bring him in sporadically, but he’ll never be a huge part of the show.
SG: The whole Jeremy vs the Otherworld pack leaders is interesting. Especially with the mention of the Russians funding Malcolm. That’s what’s going on now in the books (which is like 16 stories/ almost 12 years later than the events taking place this season).
C: Oh yeah I was wondering if that would turn into something bigger. It seems important, but for now it’s it’s not incredibly exciting. As a nwecomer to the Bitten world, the whole structure of the Pack world and some of its rules still feel unformed.
SG: There’s a ton of little things the show doesn’t go into: the way the sons are taken from their mothers and raised by an Alpha and the legacy, which is like a werewolf bible (it includes their history and records on all the mutts). I don’t know how the writers will tie Toronto back into it.
C: Yeah – the series seems more explicitly US set this go around (unless that Rochester sojourn is the end of it)
SG: That’s in keeping with the books. However the mention of Phillip’s sister calling Elena…foreshadowing?

Courtesy of SPACE
C: Definitely! So thinking about what ‘Bad Blood’ showcases, how do you see the story lines playing out: 1) the facility 2) the Alpha Council and 3) Elena’s personal life?
SG: Let’s begin with the facility: I hope that the writers follow Stolen a bit. I think they will. SPOILER Near the end of the episode when Paige is sitting in the circle of candles and her eyes go white, she’s channeling Savannah – who is being held with her mom at the facility END SPOILERS
C: Isn’t Savannah the young girl?
SG: Nope. Ruth is the older woman and Paige, the younger one performing the spell is her daughter.
C: Ah. That wasn’t super clear.
SG: Yeah, if you know the books it should be obvious. If you don’t know the books = very confusing.
C: I interpreted these scenes as the witches working for/controlling the facility. I imagine the uninitiated are probably thinking something similar.
SG: Interesting! Never crossed my mind about the witches running the facility…… hmmmm.
Let’s tackle the Alpha council next: this should help to develop Jeremy (Greg Byrk) a bit more. He’s really been a secondary character (weak, not a fighter), but he’s got a head for long term vengeance.
As for Elena’s personal life? Depends… If the writers go with the book storyline, SPOILER she’ll be kidnapped and taken to the facility. END SPOILER But I want to know what Malcolm’s plan for her is! Why is he after her? Why is she “the future”?
C: Well by keeping him around I think we will see some of that still. Any final thoughts on the premiere? I’m still not feeling Rachel (Genelle Williams).
SG: It’s a good start. But seriously: please kill Rachel. She’s so Annoying (capital A). Useless and technically she shouldn’t be there (Logan died in the middle of book one) though I do like his character on the show. But considering all of the good stuff in the premiere, I’ll put the “we hate Rachel club” on the back burner in the hope that she gets acting lessons between now and next Saturday 🙂
C: At least I’m not in the Elena haterade club (as much) so far.
SG: Well you just don’t like Laura V. I actually like Elena even more this season. She’s a fighter in the books and I like that the writers are swinging her into that, while keeping the awesome boots and clothes!
C: Ah, and now the real truth about why you’re watching comes out!
SG: Duh.
That’s a wrap on the season premiere discussion. What are your thoughts: happy that Malcolm is still in the mix? Having difficulty identifying the witches? Are you digging the Elena’s new kick-ass aggressiveness? Is anyone pro-Rachel? Sound off below!
Bitten airs Saturdays at 9pm EST on SPACE (in Canada)