Courtesy of ABC
In this week’s cold open, we are treated to a Halloween theme and a running Latoya Jackson joke. What is this, 1993? Luckily for us the joke is laid to rest and the episode is able to take flight. Let’s review.
Poor Penny (Casey Wilson) has never been the strongest person. She always seems just a little frazzled. And while the fiscal year of Penny is still in effect, I wouldn’t call it a fully successful one so far. In her attempt to become an independent and self-sufficient woman, Penny tries to sneak off to buy a car by herself. Jane (Eliza Coupe), who seems to have a six sense about Penny’s big purchases, stalks her and ends up tagging along because – she declares – she is the ‘closer.’ I always enjoy Jane and Penny pairings because they are so different: Jane with her crazy intensity and Penny with her crazy flightiness. They really are the odd couple of this group.
I love Jane in this episode. Coupe really nails the steely determination schtick. And this storyline also contains the best sight gag of the night: Jane’s appearing/disappearing act, always followed by Penny’s hilarious reactions. Not to mention the surprise guest appearance by Rob Corddry as the Car Czar (cause he knows what cars are). I only hope that they bring him back for a multiple episode arc. Fingers crossed! It was also nice to see Penny end up victorious in her own right, playing both the car czar and Jane in the end. Fiscal year of Penny, FTW!!
Meanwhile, Jane’s better half hangs out with Max (Adam Pally) for the day. I felt that this was the least interesting storyline of the night, but it still had it’s moments. Due to his recent job loss, Jane and Brad (Damon Wayans Jr.) have cut costs in their luxurious lifestyle. This means that Brad can no longer do all the things he loves to do on Saturdays, which totally bums him out. Max to the rescue? Max is the king of cheap so this gives way to some pretty funny moments as the guys try to complete all of the items on Brad’s Saturday to-do list for free. The best moment occurred when Max punched the big guy and then ran away. I am enjoying Brad’s story arc this season (a series of funny episodes where Brad attempts different vocations could be potentially hilarious), but I do hope he finds some direction soon.

Courtesy of ABC
Finally we have Alex (Elisha Cuthbert) and Dave (Zachary Knighton), and after this episode, all I can say about their relationship is that the end is nigh….the end is night? Look I’m no English major, but I do know is that this relationship is pretty much doomed. This week continues the story of their rekindled romance as real estate agent Suzanne (the gloriously funny Rachael Harris) attempted to find them the perfect apartment.
This proves very difficult as nothing seems good enough. But I mean that first apartment was way too Laboeufy. I really enjoyed this twosome throughout the episode because they delivered the best gag of the night: their impressions of the gang are priceless. The storyline between Alex and Dave has been ongoing since the pilot, and I think it’s a good idea to have them rekindle their romance to determine whether they work once and for all. While Happy Endings isn’t known for it’s story arcs, this one needs some closure and it looks like we’re going to be getting it sooner rather than later. Personally I’m a fan of Alex and Dave together, though I am sure the Penny and Dave fans must be happy with this new development.
Best lines of the night:
- Jane: “Are we gonna see any Jackson 5s tonight? Yup. Are we gonna see any marrionettes? Most def. Are we gonna see any Mos Defs? I wouldn’t know it if we saw it.”
- Alex (in reference to an apartment): “It’s too Shia Laboeufy.”
- Jane: “Penny, this is about more than just a car, okay? This is about your life. You control your own destiny. Like Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.” Penny: “Oh my god I love those books! You read them too?” Jane: “No, that stuff’s for dorks, but I knew it would get you excited.”
- Penny: “Jane, stop it! Taking this deal does not mean that I’m settling or that I don’t respect myself or that I can’t be the heroine of a series of self published, post-apocalyptic tween novels, who may or may not be named Teagen Arrowspear. I just want to buy a car!!”
What did you think? Are you happy that the Alex and Dave romance seems to be ending? Did you love Jane as much as I did? Are you hoping that the Car Czar comes back? And would you also read a self published, post-apocalyptic novel about Teagan Arrowspear? Let us know in the comments below!
Happy Endings airs Tuesday at 9pm EST on ABC
Yeah, the opening gag wasn’t great. But I love it when Brad insults someone while smiling, so I took it. I loved, loved, loved Penny’s glass walk-through. I laughed and laughed and imagined how traumatized the people around would be, if all this were real, of course. People walking through screen or other doors is always hilarious!