Courtesy of ABC
In this weeks episode, Brad (Damon Wayans Jr.) and Jane (Eliza Coupe) get into a fight. Is my favorite couple doomed? Or will their love melt away the cold snow of winter and bring about the sun and wonder of spring?
Let’s find out…Television has given us so many great couples: Rachel and Ross, Buffy and Angel, Lucy and Desi, Eric and Tammi, the list goes on. Adding to that list we have Brad and Jane. Even with a show that is relatively new, they have endeared themselves into my heart, and the hearts of many others I’m sure. They even trump Marshall and Lily (I always thought they were just a little too cutesy – plus I mean it’s Damon Wayans Jr!….No contest). I’ll be honest, though, I have wondered if my favorite couple are, in fact, too perfect. Every week they seem so madly in love with each other without any major drama. And then, lo and behold: spring smackdown!
Each year, Brad and Jane have a mega-fight – usually about something insignificant (Side Note: Even when these two go at it, it’s hilariously endearing). This fight is significant for a few reasons: not just because it involves TV’s best couple, but because it also gives Dave (Zachary Knighton) a “douche week” where he is treated to expensive dinners by Brad and they do lots of fun guy stuff. On the flip side, Penny (Casey Wilson) gets to console Jane in her best lightweight Angela Bassett pants and go all Oprah and give her good relationship advice. And to top it all off, much like Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog, the fight is a harbinger of Spring.
Unbeknownst to their friends, this fight is a fake one. It’s acted – brilliantly – by Brad and Jane because they feel like their friends need them to fight. Of course, things don’t go as planned for Dave and Penny, since Brad just wants to chill and Jane just wants to watch Clueless and not talk about men. Naturally, since it is all just a ruse, it is all just a matter of time until Brad and Jane get into a real fight – over a patio door that is left open – at which time the truth comes out. Although at first they’re offended by their friends’ fight charade, Penny and the gang eventually come to the rescue.

Courtesy of ABC
What about Max (Adam Pally), you ask? Well, he is hibernating for most of the episode. Depressed by the never ending winter season, Max becomes a bear, with full-on beard, mustache and unicycle (much to Brad’s amusement). Although he isn’t given much to do, Pally still completely commits to what he is given and it is hilarious.
I have to single out Elisha Cuthbert this week. She isn’t given much to do story-wise, but she owns her scenes and has some of the best lines of the episode. As I said in last week’s recap, Alex has become a force of comedy to be reckoned with. Cuthbert seems to be getting more and more comfortable with her role and she is really coming out of her shell. The interaction between Alex and Jane and their secret sister language had me doubled over in fits of laughter. Not to mention when she gets Penny to check her phone messages because she changed all her contacts names to say penis. I am still laughing.
All in all I thought that this episode was amazing. Aside from the lackluster opening, there were so many hilarious moments and some really great zingers!
Tonight’s best lines:
- Penny: “Your drunken chipmunk impression is hilarious.” Alex: “Thanks, but it’s just a variation of my Renee Zellweger.”
- Alex: “It could be just like The Butterfly Effect. That one little movie led to Ashton Kutcher doing a lot of bad movies” (Gold!)
- Alex: “Burn! Freezer burn! Yes! Suck it” (she finally gets a comeback)
What do you guys think? Is Alex finally coming into her comedy groove? Are Jane and Brad the best couple on television? Sound off in the comments below.
Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking, such as baking, sauce making, and pan frying. Butter consists of butterfat, milk proteins and water.;
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