Courtesy of NBC
It’s time for the fall finale of Grimm as Wu goes off the deep end on a routine case of the week.
Let’s bitch it out…
Case Of The Week: This case is pretty stock standard as Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate a series of murders/attacks that resemble the mythical Chupacabra, a dog/beast that drinks blood. It’s not a particularly memorable case aside from the fact that it drives Wu (Reggie Lee) to his breaking point. The oft-dismissed Sergeant connects the number of strange “Portland” cases they’ve worked, the strange history of Trubel and, finally, the harrowing image of chief suspect Diego mauling a colleague in combination dog & human clothing regalia. Things come to a head when Diego attacks his wife as the Chupacabra in front of everyone and Nick is forced to admit the truth, albeit briefly. The resolution – with Diego sacrificing himself to guarantee his wife the cure and then martyring himself – is sufficiently emotional, but since we don’t really know these people, the real climax is Wu’s breakdown at the bar and subsequent imprisonment. Could this be his rock bottom before he finally learns the whole truth? A: if there is a God, puh-leese let the answer be yes.
The Spice Shop: Rosalee (Bree Turner) receives a threatening call and a dangling dead fox as the latest threat against her inter-marriage to Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell). The looming threat nearly derails their honeymoon plans until Nick assigns them police protection. Alas this naturally means that the police are the ones rebelling against their marriage. This is one of two last minute cliffhangers meant to tie us over until 2015 as Monroe is knocked out. I look forward to seeing Nick beat the living hell out of these bigots in the new year. Nobody messes with my favourite cutesy Wesen couple!
Juliette’s Baby: Throughout the episode nothing much happens aside from the fact that Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) continues to have abdominal pains. Everything changes, however, in the final scene when Juliette morphs into a Hexenbiest (an obvious side effect of the potion that allowed Nick his powers back). Is this a temporary effect or is Juliette permanently affected by the magical potion cooked up by Renard’s (Sasha Roiz) mother?
Meanwhile in Austria: Umm…nothing. Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) and Adalind (Claire Coffee) confirm that Nick’s mother is alive…and then agree to trust each other to find her. Literally this scene does nothing other than to waste time. Booooring.
Your turn: which of the two cliffhangers are more interesting – Monroe/Rosalee’s bigots or Juliette’s transformation? Do these random cases do anything for you? Is Wu about to be let into the inner circle? And do you miss Trubel? Sound off below.
Grimm has now finished airing its 2014 episodes. The show returns Friday, January 9, 2015. Thanks for reading and be sure to tune back on Monday, Dec 22 for the start of the fourth annual Bitch Awards.
Well for me I kinda saw the Monroe/Rosalee thing coming. I mean Nick is only ONE Grimm and the Wesen community just keeps growing each week with more and more popping up in and around Portland. Wu I feel so sorry for Hank should have know better then that, he was in the same situation and Nick saved his ASS! So why did he let Wu get that far gone? Now the Juliette thing was a big shock!! But it is an easy fix though think about it, if she is truning into a Hexenbiest then all Nick’s got to do is cut his lip and kiss her and done no more Hexenbiest and he gets to be Grimm with an “ex-Hexenbiest” not hell bent on getting her powers back and taking his powers away so no biggy. Easy peezy limon squeezie! And with Monroe come on Nick’s going to find him I don’t know if his going to be in good condition or not, but he will find him. One his kinda attched to his bubby and two Nick wouldn’t get though half of his cases without the help of his awesome Blutbad bubby! What I want to know is what is Nick, Hank, and Capt. Renard going to do about Wu?