Courtesy of NBC
‘The Wild Hunt’ is the first of a two parter. Nestled between a grotty procedural case of the week featuring scalped heads, Grimm has three really interesting B-plots.
Let’s bitch it out…Another week, another case of the week. At this point, I seriously have nothing (nice) to say about them, so unless that changes, I’m just going to stop addressing them.
That leaves the three B-plots, all of which are far more interesting (huzzah)
- Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) are engaged! The cuckoo clock proposal is appropriately sweet, which is nice because the honeymoon already appears to be over. Mama and Papa Monroe are not thrilled to see their son marrying a Fuchsbau, though it’s not entirely clear what the big deal is aside from inter-Wesen mixing being a historical no-no. Hopefully Part 2 will clarify a bit more…assuming that Nick (David Giuntoli) doesn’t kill anyone first.
- Adalind (Claire Coffee) is ready to pop: We see little hands and an uber creepy tiny face pressed into Adalind’s skin, which Stefania (Shohreh Aghdashloo) assures her means it’s almost Royal Baby time (will she name it George?). As with Monroe & Rosalee’s story, Adalind has other pressing matters to deal with. Prince Viktor (Alexis Denisof) has realized she may have ties to the resistance and that the baby may be Renard’s (Sasha Roiz). Sebastien (Christian Lagadec) gives Renard the heads-up that Adalind may be in danger, and it’s decided that Meisner (Damien Puckler) pick her up for safety. This assumes that Meisner isn’t killed first since Viktor apparently has info on all of the resistance members.
- Finally, Juliette (Bitsie Tulloch) and Mama Grimm are emailing: Juliette decides to respond to the email Nick received in 3×04 ‘One Night Stand’ in order to track Kelly down. She gets back a cryptic response that reveals the three coins have been hidden, though not where Kelly originally planned (good to know). Kelly also mentions meeting up with the resistance and suggests Juliette be used as the go between for mother and son, which Nick is clearly uncomfortable about. Normally I’d say what’s the worst that can happen, but this is Grimm so the answer is “quite a bit, actually.” Watch your back Juliette!

Courtesy of NBC
Other Observations:
- As always, the winking fourth-wall breaking final card is amusing. I like that the folks behind the show aren’t afraid of communicating directly with the audience on occasion.
- Kevin McFarland at the AV TV Club rightfully highlights that this is the most screentime that Alexis Denisof has had since he was hired to be the Big Bad. I’m a little disappointed that his big debut is little more than an exposition reminder that there’s a resistance brewing against the Royals. I want Viktor to make an impression as a powerful player, but right now his character feels a bit muted.
- How random is the decision to cut back and forth between the opening dinner / marriage proposal scenes and a car chase / scalping? It pretty clearly sets out the distinct stories the episode will address, but tonally it’s really jarring to see someone lose their scalp in between imagery of the series’ most lovable characters out on a date. Perhaps the cross-cut is intended to be a foreshadow that Monroe & Rosalee’s engagement will end in blood? I don’t get it…
Your turn: did you like Monroe’s proposal? Do you understand why his relationship with Rosalee is such a big deal to his parents? Will Adalind make it out of Vienna with the baby and her powers? Will the resistance be thwarted? Is Juliette in danger communicating with Mama Grimm? And…I dunno, do you have anything interesting to say about the scalping case (I’m trying here). Drop your comments in the box below!
Grimm hits pause for an Olympic hiatus. It returns Friday February 28 at 9pm EST on NBC