This is it: the big leagues for TV! Let’s count down the best of that the medium has to offer by way of returning series. [Read more…]
Sense8 1×12 review: ‘I Can’t Leave Her’
Sense8 1×11 review: ‘Just Turn the Wheel and the Future Changes’
I hope when I decide to break my good buddy out of the hospital, the only guard will be sound asleep at the exact moment that I sneak in!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Sense8 1×10 review: ‘What is Human?’

Courtesy of Netflix
I can’t recall if Lito and Wolfgang have teamed up before (save the big orgy scene), but they’ve quickly become my favourite pairing!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Sense8 1×09 review: ‘Death Doesn’t Let You Say Goodbye’
Sense8 1×08 review: ‘We Will All Be Judged By The Courage Of Our Hearts’

Courtesy of Netflix
So on top of the awesome Van Damme references, now we get Conan the Barbarian quotes, too? Sign me up.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]