The Bitch Awards are incredible to put together, but they also only highlight a few of the amazing television shows from the past year. Without further ado, here are some of 2012’s other Best TV shows. [Read more…]
Ringer recap – 1×22: ‘I’m The Good Twin’

Courtesy of The CW
Back in the fall, Ringer was on most people’s radar with the return of Sarah Michelle Gellar playing dual roles in a taut, psychological thriller. The show was broody, soapy and adult. It had a great supporting cast. Fast forward twenty-two episodes later as Ringer airs its finale as a bubble show with a questionably murky future. This might be the last time I ever get to gently mock the show! Oh Ringer! Sniff…
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Ringer recap – 1×21: ‘It’s Called Improvising, Bitch!’

Courtesy of The CW
We’re up to the penultimate episode of The CW’s Ringer, and it’s time to tie up loose ends! ‘It’s Called Improvising, Bitch!’ wraps up all of the questions we’ve had about how and why and when Catherine Martin (Andrea Roth) put the hit out on Siobhan (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and there’s one twist that makes the whole thing sortakinda worth it!
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
Ringer recap – 1×20: ‘If You’re Just An Evil Bitch Then Get Over It’

Courtesy of The CW
Now that’s what I’m talking about! As Ringer cruises towards its conclusion, the writers finally figure out that the show works best as a ludicrous melodrama and they pile on the gimmicks: a suicide attempt, a body in the freezer, and a cliffhanger. Plus: the world’s most honest maid staff. Oh my!
Let’s bitch it out…
Ringer recap – 1×19: ‘Let’s Kill Bridget!’
Ohmygawd y’all! With only a few episodes left, Ringer begins to wrap up some of its storylines, including ones that are stale and boring (Machado! Bodaway!) and tasty fresh (Tyler’s murder! Catherine!).
Let’s bitch it out…
Ringer recap – 1×18: ‘That Woman’s Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life’

Courtesy of The CW
Ringer continues to move towards its first season endgame. With ‘That Woman’s Never Been A Victim Her Entire Life’, the show delivers a surprisingly solid episode – albeit slightly less exciting – episode that begins to tie events together. It’s still Ringer, though, so there remains some truly aggravating moments.
Let’s bitch it out…