Courtesy of ABC
I have a sinking feeling that the honeymoon might be over. Why? Two words: ventriloquist story. Read on…if you can. [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of ABC
I have a sinking feeling that the honeymoon might be over. Why? Two words: ventriloquist story. Read on…if you can. [Read more…]
Courtesy of ABC
It’s the fifth episode of the season and Hallowe’en is upon us. Themed episodes can be a little tricky (or, in this case, trick-or-treaty) to pull off but, of course, Modern Family does All Hallows Eve with style and even manages to sneak up behind us with a more serious story disguised as a princess. [Read more…]
Courtesy of ABC
The family is definitely still in adjustment mode four episodes into the fourth season thanks to all the changes that have been introduced. Also, is it just me or does Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) continue to age at a speed just shy of the speed with which Gloria went from zero to full bloom? Not that I’m complaining, because this episode showed me that Lily is going to be one sassy-four year old thanks to Miss Anderson-Emmons budding comedy skills.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of ABC
Likely due to increase in production costs due to cast raises Presidential Debates, Modern Family is taking a week off. It’ll be back with two new episodes next Wednesday, Oct 10, starting at 9pm EST on ABC
At least you know you’re not the only one crying…
Courtesy of ABC
Okay, everyone. Settle down! First episode of S4 of Modern Family roll call: Recap from the finale of S3? Check. General theme of renewal and fresh starts? Check. New storylines? Check. Main story line completely gutted via some weird new fast forward technique? Check? Christ. This may be the first episode that I did not like. Or, maybe that’s too strong. I was just very disappointed in it.
Let’s bitch it out… [Read more…]
We’ve played in the sun. We’ve taken vacations. We took in some conferences, some film festivals and we’ve watched some marvelous summer TV.
But let’s get serious because the fall is upon us. The glorious, beautiful fall television season. It’s a time when seemingly half a dozen shows debut each day, and shiny newbies compete with old favourites for the valuable real estate we affectionately refer to as your eyeball time and your DVR/TIVO space.
So tag along with us as we guide you through what we’re going to watch this fall…