Courtesy of FOX
Fringe continues to deliver this week with a solid episode and an ending that’s sure to have us all salivating until next Friday.
Let’s break it down… [Read more…]
The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by tvangie
Courtesy of FOX
Fringe continues to deliver this week with a solid episode and an ending that’s sure to have us all salivating until next Friday.
Let’s break it down… [Read more…]
by Joe Lipsett
Courtesy of FOX
TVangie and I have had several conversations about the success of the “alt-timeline” that’s been explored in the fourth season of Fringe. While many viewers have been unsure (principally because we’re unsure if we should care about these new versions of our core cast), ‘Welcome to Westfield’ – in my eyes – aptly proved that this experiment is starting to pay off.
Let’s bitch it out…
by tvangie
After many episodes of just hanging out in the background, we get a double dose of Astrid (Jasika Nicole) in this week’s Fringe offering. Even though I wouldn’t classify this as an Astrid-centric episode, proper – it still gave us plenty of great moments and interesting tidbits of this loved character throughout.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump. [Read more…]
by tvangie
As predicted last week, Fringe revisits the monster-of-the-week format in its latest episode, but still manages to convey some clues to the season’s endgame even if the plot served more as a standalone.
Let’s take a closer look after the jump.
by tvangie
This week’s episode of Fringe wasted no time, taking off right where we left off from last week where we were teased with the reappearance of David Robert Jones (Jared Harris). Will we find out what he’s doing back and how he managed to survive being sliced in half as a portal between two alternate dimensions closed on him?
Let’s check it out after the jump.
by tvangie
Welcome back Fringe fans. After what seems like forever, Fringe finally kicks off its mid-season premiere with some significant narrative progression. Let’s hope the momentum continues with a string of new episodes and no more inexplicable hiatuses.
Let’s take a closer look: