Blood & Oil returns with two men on a mission to bring down the town billionaire. Is the switch in storyline enough to save the show for this reviewer?
Let’s bitch it out…
I’m going to be honest. Part of me watches Blood & Oil every week thinking that the best thing about it is being able to swoon over the Briggs ranch and the other part of me half enjoys watching. I haven’t decided yet which side wins out.
In this week’s episode, it is Jules’ (India de Beaufort) birthday and Wick (Scott Michael Foster) wants to do something nice and throw her a birthday party. Nothing says time and effort like getting someone else to do the work for you. As Wick passes the buck to the step mommy that he seems to hate half the time, everyone still thinks this is just the sweetest thing. I mean, the guy had ten names on the guest list and that’s the end of his contribution, but somehow he still gets all the credit? The party wasn’t even really for Jules! She didn’t know anyone there except the Briggs family and Cody (Rebecca Rittenhouse) but I guess she got a beautiful cake and a heartfelt speech so that makes everything OK? Nah. Big fail on this one Wick, just like everything else you try to do.
However, I will give Wick some credit. He is trying. He has a relatively good idea but no clue how to execute it. At least he tries to take action. As opposed to daddy dearest Hap (Don Johnson), who is having sex with Jules, plying her with expensive gifts and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. But that’s exactly what she gets from him – nothing. I am a huge believer in the old saying “actions speak louder than words”. All I could see while watching Hap and Jules together (besides “ewwww”) is a man with a mouthful of promises that gets poor Jules nowhere. Four years ago she was destroyed when he went on a holiday and came back married to Carla (Amber Valletta) without so much as word. Now he’s back and wants everything the same as it was, and all she gets are stolen moments and empty words. Sure buddy. “This is the real thing” he tells her, but let me just go home to my wife every night while you stay here and we just run around in secrecy. Hard pass, Hap Briggs! I’m glad that Jules makes the same decision by the end of the episode.
Part of me is really glad that Billy (Chace Crawford) and Clifton’s (Barry Corbin) random plan doesn’t work on the first try. Viewers have been watching all these random, completely implausible schemes miraculously work out week after week after week, but finally it has come to an end. I mean, it doesn’t stop Billy’s hatred of Hap, but at least it will draw out the plot long enough to make it half interesting. I can see now where the writers are looking to go with the season, as opposed to the first few weeks when our two lovebirds new to town suddenly become millionaires. The David and Goliath story of the billionaire oil tycoon against the little guy with a big heart is a much more watchable show. Perhaps this show can be saved after all.

Courtesy of ABC
Gee, it seems rather lucky that Lacey (Miranda Rae Mayo) figures out AJ (Adan Canto) is working for the enemy on the same day that he finally gets the information he needs and is gearing up to make a run for it? It must be because she’s from California <sigh>. But seriously now, she figures all of this out because her key card didn’t work once? Maybe I’m biased against her, but come on. I’m not buying what the writers are selling on this one. But guess what? It all works out in his favour anyway because Hap finds it thrilling to have someone on the inside. Of course he does. I shouldn’t be surprised. But hopefully this means we are done with the marathon sex sessions and innuendos between Lacey and AJ now. That was almost cringe-worthy and it has only been one episode.
Other Observations:
- I know I joked earlier about the Briggs ranch, but let’s be serious for a second. That place is amazing. Seriously, It. Is. Perfection. Even when AJ is working on his covert mission in the bathroom, I could barely pay attention because I couldn’t stop staring at the amazing interior design of the place. And don’t even get me started on how great it looks at the party. Man oh man. I can dream.
- At the end of the episode when Wick runs downstairs to get a bottle of alcohol for a celebratory drink with Jules, it made me realize that Jules’ apartment is above her bar. While this may seem like an insignificant point, it makes me wonder how in the hell Hap is able to come and go like he does without anyone seeing him. Doesn’t Jules run the busiest bar in town?
What did you think of this week’s episode? How long do you think it will be before the sheriff finds evidence against Wick? Do you think Billy is fighting an impossible war? Sound off below!
Blood & Oil airs on Sundays at 9pm EST on ABC.