Courtesy of The CW
Just when you think things can’t get any worse for team Arrow, Roy (Colton Haynes) goes on a rampage and somebody ends up on the wrong end of a kitana.
Let’s bitch it out…We must be moving into finale season because the bodies are starting to add up!
I’ll be honest: it seemed pretty clear throughout this tense episode that someone was going to bite it and while I’ve had my money laid on Sara (Caity Lotz) for the better part of the season, it was Moira (Susanna Thompson) who paid the ultimate price, dying at the end of Slade’s (Manu Bennett) kitana in his continuing quest for revenge. (In hindsight the minute she revealed she knew about the real identity of the Arrow was probably the moment her death warrant was signed).
As far as deaths go, this one doesn’t hurt as much as some, but the fall-out will be insane. After dedicating a decent arc to Moira and her campaign for Mayor against rival Sebastian Blood (Kevin Alejandro), Moira was thisclose to winning the top spot, reconciling with her children and revealing some kind of juicy story when Slade decided to re-enactment the Ivo/Shado death scene with members of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) family. With Oliver bound in front of his mother and sister, Moira made the noble sacrifice to ensure her offspring survived, but at what cost? This death is going to not only galvanize Oliver in his pursuit of his former friend; it may very well break his spirit. Consider this: Oliver has spent the entirety of the second season repenting for his role in Tommy’s death. He’s done so by refusing to kill. Slade’s murder of his mother is virtually guaranteed to make Oliver reconsider his position on murder (he promised to do so even before Slade stabbed a sword through her chest).
But what will that mean long term? Entertainment Weekly has already posted an interview with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg that, not surprisingly, hints that this is part of the groundwork that will establish new directions for season three (Side Note: Considering Moira’s been a main cast-member since the show’s debut, I don’t see how it could not affect the show’s new season). Jumping back to where ‘Seeing Red’ begins, however, tells a very specific tale: Oliver and Sara are in bed, planning a potential future together that involves tentative plans to move in together. The remainder of the episode focuses on unraveling those plans – from Sara’s abrupt break-up and departure from Starling City, to Oliver’s exciting new knee injury courtesy of Roy, and Moira’s death as the piece de resistance. What started off well ends in the near destruction of everyone’s happy and we’ve still got three episodes left in the season! At this point, it seems obvious that the remaining hours will find Oliver seeking revenge, but, again, at what cost? I wouldn’t be surprised to see this show burn the city to the ground and spend next season rebuilding…

Courtesy of The CW
Other Observations:
- As usual Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) provides the comic relief during the times of tension, but surely even she thought the dim sum comment after capturing Roy was a bit much, no?
- Sara bails after nearly blowing Roy’s face off (anyone else hoping she would follow through?). While I don’t exactly buy the idea that her darkness is that much worse than Oliver’s was before he calmed down and became the vigilante we know and love, Lotz and Amell play the hell out of the goodbye. Never fear – she’ll be back (I tell you, she’s gotta die!)
- While Oliver obviously has a bad day, you gotta think that Sin’s (Bex Taylor-Klaus) is nearly as bad. She gets punched in the face by Roy and then Sara hugs her and drives away. Sucks to be Starling’s cutest street urchin.
- For the first half of the episode, I was convinced that Thea had displaced Laurel as the most aggressively unlikable character on the show. She may still be, but now that her mom’s dead, I suppose I can’t be too hard on her.
- Has Nicholas Lea always been Moira’s campaign manager? I feel like that’s far too high profile a guest star to waste in such an inconsequential role, but I don’t remember seeing himself before now. Is it possible he’ll return as a villain later?
- Finally, the show abandons the island flashbacks to reveal just how far Moira was willing to go to protect her babies, which apparently included paying some random whoor $2 million to deliver Oliver’s bastard child and never speak of it again. Feel free to speculate on the sex of the baby and offer casting suggestions (age 7-8) in the comment section.
Best Lines:
- Doctor (on the phone after suggesting his night can’t get any weirder): “I was wrong. I gotta call you back.”
- Felicity (when Oliver goes to dose himself): “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Can you even get into those leather pants with that knee?”
Your turn: were you surprised that Moira was the one to die? Did you expect (hope?) Slade to kill Thea instead? Should Roy have been put down? Is Sara gone for good? Do you think Oliver will forever be changed now that he’s on the rampage? And what did stupid frat boy Oliver from 7 years ago have: a boy or a girl? Speculate away below.
Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8pm EST on The CW. Next week: Oliver is MIA and Slade’s army goes on the march.