Finally! We are finally reunited with Walter (Colin Salmon), we are reminded that Moira (Susanna Thompson) has no heart and we learn through flashbacks what the undertaking is all about. Arrow offers up more information as the first season starts to wind down.
Let’s bitch it out…
I’m fairly certain that no one else is as excited as I am when The Hood (Stephen Amell) finds Walter (Colin Salmon) and brings him home. I’m not sure why I’m so ridiculously excited about this, but I would venture a guess that its because Walter is actually one of the good guys. In a show where everyone, Oliver (also Stephen Amell) included, has a dark side, Walter is just plain good.
He doesn’t deserve to be held captive for the last six months because of his wife, but hey, we’ll deal with that another time. Right now we need to watch a tearful reunion where he claims to be fine after being locked away with armed guards for months. Methinks there’s more to the story of what happened during Walter’s abduction. The whole story can’t possibly just be that he was in that room with all the guards for six months, growing a rather disappointing beard… can it?! I’ll be disappointed if that’s the case. But that might be because I just love Walter, and his accent, so maybe I just am desperate for more of him. We’ve been in a Walter drought, but I’m happy to report that the drought is over!
Instead of flashbacks to the island, like we are so used to, we get flashes back to before Robert Queen (Jamey Sheridan) and Oliver leave on the Queen’s Gambit… and much more information about what Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is really planning for the Glades. And I love it (not the crazy plan – the information. Just for the record). I really enjoy the flashbacks in this episode and like finally having an understanding of what this “undertaking” is all about. I mean, they can’t seriously expect the viewers to believe that our heroic trio are going to let Malcolm’s scheme come to fruition. I mean, Oliver spent so much time opening up his random bar in a low income neighbourhood, they can’t just let it be destroyed. All that work Tommy (Colin Donnell) put in can’t just be for nothing.
I really hope Moira (Susanna Thompson) gets what’s coming to her too, as Oliver promised Malcolm the kidnappers would. She let her husband be kidnapped for six months, knowing that the same man killed her previous husband over the same issue! Hasn’t she ever heard the saying “fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice, shame on me”?!?! She can’t possibly be that dumb, yet lets herself stay caught up in this ridiculous plan. I think its especially poignant how, in the flashback, she is the one begging Robert to make sure Malcolm’s plan doesn’t pan out, yet now she’s the one right in the middle of it. Seriously.
She has more money than God, and she can’t find a way to get out of this? She let her husband be kidnapped for SIX MONTHS over this? I would’ve peaced out and left my darling Starling City behind if it meant I didn’t have to be part of levelling 24 city blocks and having another husband be killed by a psychopath. But that’s just me. I tend to avoid psychopaths whenever possible. But this stone cold bitch can just stand there and embrace her long lost husband like she’s not the only reason he was kidnapped. I know she’s Oliver’s mom, but I sincerely hope she gets hers.
Other observations:
- I am so glad Oliver called out Laurel (Katie Cassidy) about being in a bar in the Glades in the middle of the day, drinking coffee. That was my first thought too. Way to be nonchalant there Laurel. We know you want Oliver to comfort you but you don’t need to be so damn obvious about it.
- Felicity is one of the surprising gems of the show. She has a knack for comedic timing and is just a pleasure to watch onscreen. I would LOVE for her and Oliver to get together. Let’s get rid of Laurel’s pointless character – how righteous can one person be? I’m not sure if its the character or Katie Cassidy that drives me crazy, but I cringe every time Laurel is onscreen. The complete opposite of how I feel about Felicity. So come on writers, make this reviewer happy and bring together the nerdy blonde beauty and our vigilante hero!
So what did you think of ‘The Undertaking’? Are you with me on the Felicity and Oliver pairing? Do you agree that there’s more to the story of Walter’s months of captivity? How do you think The Hood will stop Malcolm’s completely psychotic plan? Sound off below!
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 7pm on CTV.
I like Felicity as well, much more than Laurel (even though Laurel is far more attractive). I don’t cringe when she’s on, but I think she deliberately sabotaged her relationship with Tommy by spending so much time with Oliver. A girl that hot spending all that time with her ex-boyfriend is bound to make her current boyfriend upset. She shouldn’t be so surprised about it.
I hope this is the first step of Laurel becoming a costumed vigilante like Ollie.