Courtesy of The CW
The mean girls make life difficult in the model house and we say goodbye to one of my early favourites.
Let’s bitch it out…
Now that a couple of the models have been sent home, and the reality of the competition is beginning to sink in for those remaining, we’re beginning to see more of the models’ “real” personalities. Level-headed contestants like Nyle, Mamé, Justin, and Lacey offer no real surprises here: they’re well-balanced and unfazed by most of the drama (with the possible exception of Mamé’s fantastic hair-flipping last episode). It’s no surprise either that Devin and Mikey are becoming the “mean girls” in the house; they are toxic together, and on the hunt for Courtney and Bello. As for the rest, Dustin is too young (mentally) to really comprehend what’s needed of him; Ashley is too caught-up in Mikey’ s bad-boy attitude to have her own personality; Ava’s good nature manages to keep me on her side despite being a jesus-freak; Bello quietly manipulates from the shadows; Courtney only seems to know how to be a victim; and although Hadassah is trying to adjust her bad-attitude, unfortunately she still doesn’t seem to know how to take a picture.
This week Mikey’s need to seed (ew) sparks a massive midnight altercation with Bello, who seems willing to sacrifice his own well-being to get rid of the abusive a-hole “Rocker.” I don’t blame him; Mikey is the kind of loathsome self-centered contestant that comes around every few years to wreak havoc on the other models’ psyches. Usually it’s clear that this behaviour is going to keep them from going all the way to the end, but this year is different. Mikey takes great pictures and Kelly loves his Rock’n’Roll attitude. There is some hope this week when, despite winning the challenge (a lesson in understanding photo-editing), Mikey is criticized for being “safe and boring,” and “a little yesterday”, but I’m still worried that he could win the whole thing.
At the #NoEdit photoshoot, Yu Tsai is back to his bullying ways. There is no joy in watching a nasty little man tear into models for failing to ignite his imagination. It’s tiring to watch bitchy classless queens vent their insecurities on others. Arguably, his methods do occasionally produce results, but not this week. Despite this (I refuse to give him credit) a few models manage to work their flaws and produce decent photos. Lacey rocks the shoot, as does Devin (I really want to like him. Maybe we just need to get rid of Mikey), and while I didn’t particularly like Bello’s photo, his “bird in flight” effectively highlights his superhuman hair while masking his narrow shoulders. Dustin, on the other hand, once again fails to grasp the concept and is sent home. He’s got the look, but needs a lot more experience. The real story is behind the camera though; you can tell from the body language and sidelong glances that most of the models hate each other this season. Looks like it’s going to be a long autumn filled with bitterness and vitriol.

Courtesy of The CW
Other Observations:
- Thus far the bullies are being rewarded. It’s infuriating and not a lot of fun to watch the show as a result. DMA is quickly becoming the group of models I’ve hated the most out of all 22 cycles.
- Nyle is a little older than the rest of the models, but he’s also a lot more mature. I’d love to see him stick around, but he has to step up his game.
- Ashley is perhaps the biggest disappointment. She’s deluded if she’s siding with Mikey and Devin. Mikey disses her on his challenge win, and she’s like “Whatever, I guess they just needed some guy time.” Wake up, honey!
- This week’s challenge scores really skewed the judging results: both Mamé and Bello were ranked significantly lower than they should have been based on their photos alone.
Best Lines:
- Ava (to Devin after he yells at her following his apology): “I’m living my life in the Tyra Suite right now, so bye bye.”
- Tyra (at judging): “Well hello models!” …. Models: ….grunt…
- Tyra (about Miss J’s critique of Mamé): “Okay, he’s trippin’. He has fallen down … and can’t get up.”
- Kelly (to Nyle): “Let me see your waist. … (drools) …Okay, thank you.”
- Kelly (to Hadassah): “You look like the cool girl who puts the boxes away at the shoe store.”
Your turn: Is the bullying out of control in the house? Do you think Bello will be the one to send Mikey home (as he claims he will be)? Who will Devin and Mikey put their sites on next?
Sound off below …
ANTM airs Wednesdays at 8pm EST on The CW