Courtesy of FOX
In true 24 style, Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) saves the day once again. Beloved characters brought back from the dead, terrorists meeting their maker and action that is fit for the big screen. But where does that leave us for the few remaining episodes?
Let’s bitch it out…
Elrond 99 is off this week, so I’m filling in in his place. A bit of context: I can easily admit that I spend 98% of every episode of 24 with my jaw on the floor. And this episode is no different. In fact, in this blogger’s humble opinion, this might have been the best episode so far in this 24 redux.
Where to start? Oh wait – Heller (William Devane) is STILL ALIVE! How about we start there! Watching last week’s episode (aka the Heller farewell tour), I was an absolute mess. Sitting alone in the dark (the only way one can watch 24, clearly), I was sobbing as the missile hit Wembley stadium. I discussed this at length with other viewers: is it naive of me to hold out hope? Or was my beloved Heller really killed in a burst of flames in an effort to save thousands of British lives? By the time tonight’s episode began, I was resigned to the fact that this was going to be an emotional upheaval to watch, because there’s no way Heller could have been spared. And THAT is the joy of 24. Just when you think there’s no hope, Jack is there to save the day once again. There are no words. If this isn’t the way back into Audrey’s (Kim Raver) pants… ahem… heart, then I don’t know what is.
For a woman who was dead set on murdering thousands of her fellow British in a weird terrorist plot against the Americans (nope, it doesn’t make sense to me either), Margot Al-Harazi (Michelle Fairley) is surprisingly trustworthy. The woman chopped off her own daughter’s finger, killed her son-in-law in cold blood, and tonight pulls a gun on her own son Ian (Liam Garrigan), yet when the President holds up his end of the bargain, all of a sudden she’s a saint who keeps her word. I’m not sure how that makes sense, but guess what? We don’t need to care anymore! That bitch is gone and hopefully her dreadful daughter Simone (an unseen Emily Berrington) will quickly follow.
There is nothing as brilliant on TV as when Jack is on his game. Well tonight, he brings nothing but his best – he saves the President, kills some bad guys, rappels off the side of a building using only some kind of power cable, throws the mother-son duo out the window to their deaths and stops the missile seconds before it kills thousands of people. I mean… say it with me: #Jackisback.
Is it any wonder that Jack has a contact back at Langley that can identify the mysterious assassin that killed meek young Jordan (Giles Matthey) within minutes? Can we discuss how Jack, who is still considered a terrorist and enemy of the state at this point, still has a contact in the government who will take his calls? He’s not even allowed to talk to his daughter, but this guy will break the rules for Jack? I’m pretty sure that pardon Heller signed last hour hasn’t made its way back to America and into the system yet. But I’ll allow it because it gives Jack the answers he needs to hopefully bring the same fate upon Steve Navarro (Benjamin Bratt) as what just hit the Al-Harazi duo.

Courtesy of FOX
Other Observations:
- I’m happy to see that Jack hasn’t gone soft in his four years on the run. Just like the old days when he used to cut heads off in the interrogation room at CTU, Jack throws those two missile wielding bitches out the window with no mercy.
- Obviously Chloe (Mary Lynn Rajskub) is an idiot for not listening to Jack. Hasn’t she learned over the past decade that nothing good comes from ignoring Jack’s ideas?! So now she’s going to be stuck with her Julian Assanges creep-a-like Adrian (Michael Wincott) while he gets the override device. Now Jack is going to have to save her yet again. When will these people just listen to Jack? He didn’t save the world a dozen times by accident, people.
- Kate (Yvonne Strahovski) is entertaining as the female version of Jack, and working out well as his side-kick. I’ve found myself betraying my love of Jack and Audrey to wonder how Jack and Kate would be together. I wonder what will happen when she inevitably finds out that her husband didn’t betray her, and that she’s not wrongly accused anymore?
- I’m going to end this review with a thought that plagued me the most: TONY (Carlos Bernard). Those who know me know my love of Tony Almeida runs deep and it runs strong. Ok, I understand that he has already come back from the dead once, but Jack saved Heller from a MISSILE attack tonight. Could I be so lucky that Tony has endured the same fate and is just hiding out, waiting for the right moment to come in and save his friend? (Don’t worry, I understand that this is likely just a pipe dream, but after perusing a few internet chat rooms, I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one holding out hope for this particular development)
So what did you think of the episode? Are you as happy as I am that Heller is still alive? What do you think will become of Navarro? Do you agree that Jack will have to save Chloe’s butt one more time? Now that the drones are stopped, as are the Al-Harazis, what do you think is in store for the last three episodes? Sound off below!
24: Live Another Day airs Mondays at 9pm EST on FOX.