Theatrical staginess is both a boon and a curse for Ghost Stories, Jeremy Dyson & Andy Nyman’s film adaptation of their hit play.
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The curated portfolio of film journalist Joe Lipsett
by Joe Lipsett
Theatrical staginess is both a boon and a curse for Ghost Stories, Jeremy Dyson & Andy Nyman’s film adaptation of their hit play.
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by Joe Lipsett
It’s not hard to fathom why Tigers Are Not Afraid has been championed by Guillermo del Toro and Stephen King.
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by Joe Lipsett
Q: What do you get when you team up a luchador, a pregnant heroin addict, a desperate motel clerk and a pair of thugs? A: Lowlife.
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by Joe Lipsett
The Heretics begins as an exploration of trauma recovery, but very quickly descends into a supernatural possession/exorcism film with some major character flaws.
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by Joe Lipsett
Can a film have multiple personality disorder? Ruin Me certainly makes the case for yes.
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by Joe Lipsett
In He Said/She Said, critics Joe and Valeska dissect a film in a back and forth email exchange. Previously, we realized too late that Hellraiser: Judgment (2018) had no sights worth seeing. This time, we’re taking a spin around the Ouija board with Paco Plaza’s Verónica (2017).
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